Nunyara Clinic to reopen on Wednesday 26th June 2024

On Friday 18th November 2022, Nunyara staff participated in NAHS Smoke Free Policy Implementation Training.  The training was facilitated by Mary Anne Williams, Regional Clinical Support Coordinator from SAWCAN and Zena Wingfield, Community Engagement and Health Promotion Officer from Nunyara.

As of the 1st January 2023, Nunyara Aboriginal Health Service will be Smoke Free.  This training was for the purpose of preparing and educating staff on how to support community and staff as we transition into a clean air, smoke free service.

Purpose of Smoke-free Workplace Policy

  • Nunyara Aboriginal Health Service is committed to providing a healthy and safe workplace for all employees, clients and visitors.
  • The Nunyara Smoke-Free Workplace policy has been developed to provide a workplace that is smoke-free to ensure a safer and cleaner environment for all.
  • The policy’s goal is to reduce the health risks associated with smoking and exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.

The Nunyara Board and Staff are committed to implementing the Smoke Free Policy and supporting each other and the whole of the Nunyara community during this transition.

‘Better Together’

Nunyara Smoke/Vape Free 2023