Nunyara aboriginal health service
Visiting Specialists

Diabetes Clinic/ Endocrinologist
Endocrinologist Dr Chinmay Marathe consults from Nunyara on a regular basis and will accept GP referrals for new Aboriginal clients. A diabetic educator and dietician also both visit Nunyara on a monthly basis from Whyalla Hospital, and can offer the latest advice.

Are your feet sore or do you have ingrown toenails? Nunyara has a Podiatrist who attends our clinic monthly as part of the Multi-D team from Whyalla Hospital. This is a popular service and books out quite quickly so you will need to book in advance.

Optometrist Alek Sims from Eyre Eye Centre visits Nunyara Aboriginal Health Service once a month. The service offers eye checks and eye glasses that can be purchased on a lay-by plan. There is no cost for Aboriginal people to get an eye check-up.

Speech Pathology
Nunyara is fortunate to have Karen Cresshull from Speech on Eyre visit on a regular basis. If your child is having difficulty with speech or language, Karen provides a range of strategies to assist them. This is a free service provided in conjunction with the Rural Doctor’s Workforce Association (RDWA).

From May 2022 Nunyara will have the services of a visiting physiotherapist once a month, which is provided in conjunction with RDWA.

Ear Health
Nunyara’s Aboriginal Health Practitioner and most Health Workers are trained in Ear Health. There is also a team of Audiologists that visits Nunyara three times a year that do hearing assessments for patients and also an ENT Specialist visiting from Adelaide. Nunyara can arrange and assist with travel and accommodation for any patient requiring ENT surgery outside of Whyalla.

Respiratory Clinic
Respiratory Nurse Christelle Thomas regularly visits Nunyara, and she can help people that have problems with sleeping, smoking related problems, asthma and any other respiratory issues. Clients can also be referred to Dr Ral Antic who is a Chest Physician from Adelaide that visits Nunyara 6 times a year. If required, clients may need to have had a chest x-ray, spirometry and blood tests done prior to the appointment. These can all be organised by Christelle when she sees you.

Grief Counselling / Psychologist
In response to community feedback, Nunyara began funding a Grief and Loss program in 2018. We are fortunate to have Rosemary Wanganeen from Healing Centre of Griefology visiting Nunyara on a regular basis. From May 2022, Nunyara will also have a visiting psychologist once a month for our Aboriginal clients, in conjunction with RDWA.

Out of town referrals
If Nunyara clients are required to attend specialist appointments or surgeries more than 100km from Whyalla, Nunyara can assist clients negotiating the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme (PATS). Patient Journey Coordinator Jane Baulderstone can assist clients for travel and accommodation requirements, but plenty of prior notice is required please.