Nunyara Clinic to reopen on Wednesday 26th June 2024

As you may be aware, Nunyara and make use of cloud IT infrastructure that is provided, maintained and hosted by Telstra. The systems hold our client and corporate data.

These systems are critical to the provision of health care services, and without them we are unable to provide services to the standard we require to ensure the health and safety of our patients.

On Saturday 1 June 2024, an outage occurred at Telstra’s CSX Gen2 data centre that took all of these systems offline. We are informed by Telstra that this occurred not only in relation to Nunyara systems, but by all of their customers using that service.

We first became aware of the outage on 3 June 2024, when our teams were unable to properly access the computer network. After significant efforts to escalate the matter between 3 and 5 June 20204, we were able to make Telstra aware of the significant impact that the outage has had on our ability to service some of the most vulnerable members of the Australian population, and they have been working to bring our systems back online.

Ultimately, the safety of our patients has to be our primary concern, and as we are not able to confidently provide healthcare without access to clinical notes and systems, we had to make the difficult decision to suspend the operation of our clinics whilst we worked to get new systems up and running.

We regret that this situation has arisen, however it is one that was not caused by Nunyara, nor is it one we have the ability to resolve without Telstra’s action

We are grateful for your understanding and support at this time.