Nunyara aboriginal health service
Clinic Information

Nunyara Aboriginal Health Service offers 2 modern medical clinic buildings with regular GPs, registered nurses, Aboriginal Health Workers and Practitioners and visiting specialists available to meet your medical needs. A family focus is an important part of our service delivery and programs are implemented and maintained to encourage the whole family to participate in looking after their social, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. An Interpreting Service is available by calling 1800 280 203.
Medicare Bulk Billing
Nunyara is a full Medicare Bulk Billing service. This means that the service we offer is free with a valid Medicare Card. Referrals to services outside of Nunyara may incur fees. Clinic staff can provide information about this.
Appointment Information
Appointments with the Doctor range from 15 to 30 minutes. If you think you need a longer appointment please let the clinic receptionist know and this can be arranged. Our Doctors are visiting up to 3 days a week, so if there isn’t a Doctor here we can make arrangements for you to see another Doctor at another practice.
Home Visits
Home and hospital visits from the Doctor, Nurse and Aboriginal Health Worker can be arranged for regular clients of the clinic whose condition or circumstances prevent them from easily accessing our service. These visits are arranged on a case by case basis. Please speak to clinic staff about home visits if you feel you need more information.
After Hours Care
Clients requiring after hours medical attention should present to the Accident and Emergency Department of the Whyalla Hospital located on the corner of Essington Lewis Avenue and Elliott Street. The hospital telephone is 8648 8300. In an emergency, triple 000 should be called.
Nunyara provides transport to Aboriginal members of the Whyalla Community for medical appointments only. These include appointments at GP clinics, dental service or Whyalla Hospital. If you require transport please notifiy us at least 24 hrs beforehand. Transport is a complementary service funded by Nunyara itself so strict conditions apply, the service is not to be used for social, shopping, work or school drop-offs or other reasons. Nunyara reserves the right to refuse transport requests if they do not meet eligibility requirements or are at short notice. The drivers also have the right to refuse clients who appear intoxicated on either drugs or alcohol.
Your Health Information
Your medical record is a confidential document. We abide by the National Privacy Principles to ensure all records are secure and are only available to authorised staff. All client medical records are kept electronically. Nunyara has a recall system for health checks and preventative care, and patients can expect to receive a reminder when they are due for follow up.
Privacy Statement
In complying with the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000, our practice provides the following advice to users of our website about the collection, use and disclosure of personal information.
The aim of this advice is to inform users of this site about:
What personal information is being collected
Who is collecting the personal information
How personal information is being used
Access to personal information collected on this site
Security of personal information collected on this site