Nunyara Clinic to reopen on Wednesday 26th June 2024

NACCHO NDIS Ready Conference

On the 7th to the 9th of June the NDIS Workforce had the opportunity to attend the NACCHO NDIS Ready Yarning Circle on Larrakia Country (Darwin). The event was for ACCHOs and AMSs (Aboriginal Medical Services) who are providing services or supports in the NDIS space. The aim of the Yarning Circle was for everyone to gather and share experiences to overcome barriers. The workforce that represented their health service includes Rachel Ware – Port Lincoln Aboriginal Health Service, Rianna Mundy – Tullawon Health Service, Shilloh Peel – Yadu Aboriginal Health Corporation, Simon Schuppan – Nunyara Whyalla Aboriginal Health Service.

Our regional NDIS Workforce showed great leadership, being involved and vocally sharing our experiences and learnings. We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to speak to mob from across the nation about NDIS – this included people from Pilbara WA, Geraldton WA, Alice Springs NT and have built great networks.

SAWCAN had the opportunity to present on what the Aboriginal disAbility Alliance model is, and how we work in together across the region. This was such a great opportunity for our communities to share all the amazing work we are doing in this space. It was very clear from our presentation that our region are leaders in this space! This was evident through the amount of other ACCHOs and AMS’ from other regions coming up to us asking lots of NDIS related questions and wanting to know more how we collectively work together. Some of our team members have even been invited to go up to places like Broome so we can support and teach their workforce! We’ve also been contacted by Mob in Geraldton to support their training. We will meet with this team later this week.

The NDIS teams, CEOs and other workers at our ACCHOs should be so proud of all the hard work they have put into this project so far.
The regional NDIS team walked away feeling very proud of the work we are achieving as a collective and are feeling revitalized to continue to work hard in the future for our communities.
A big thank you to NACCHO for letting us be a part of this conference and allowing us to present our Model of working.